A Title IX trailblazer: How Dean Carolyn Meltzer, MD, conquered imposter syndrome

Title IX — the landmark legislation that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding — was signed into law on June 23, 1972. In recognition of this anniversary, the University of California is presenting Read More »

May 24th, 2023|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

Biosimilar drugs underutilized due to commercial insurance restrictions

Biosimilars provide the same therapeutic benefits at much less cost than biologic medications, but a first-of-its-kind survey led by USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics shows that commercial insurers either exclude or limit Read More »

May 22nd, 2023|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

Commencement speakers address the need for fearlessness and compassion in health care

On Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13,  the Keck School of Medicine of USC’s graduating students — surrounded by faculty, family and friends — gathered to celebrate the completion of a vital phase in their health care careers.

The momentous Read More »

May 17th, 2023|Announcements, Commencement 2023, featured, Keck Net Intranet|

Air pollution particles trigger cellular defense mechanisms

New research from the Keck School of Medicine of USC has revealed a biological process that may be the link air pollution and lung disease, which would provide new insights on better ways to treat or prevent diseases Read More »

May 16th, 2023|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

Pharmacy students provide health screenings at 2023 L.A. Times Festival of Books

In late April, students and educators from the USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences provided free health screenings at the 2023 L.A. Times Festival of Books at the USC University Read More »

May 16th, 2023|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|