Liver patients with prior drinking problems can have positive transplant results

Patients with past alcohol abuse issues have often been considered poor candidates for liver transplant. But they can do as well as — or better than — other recipients, a USC study has found. The new data, published in the Read More »

July 15th, 2022|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

Perspective: Pharmaceutical inflation minimal compared to other basic needs

A new op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal explores myths about the rate of drug inflation and discusses how policymakers can keep prescription drugs affordable for patients while encouraging medical innovation. The piece was written by Dana Goldman, PhD, Read More »

July 15th, 2022|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

Tobacco content on social media linked to real-life use

People exposed to tobacco-related content on social media are more than twice as likely than nonviewers to report using tobacco, researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of USC have found. The meta-analysis of 29 studies across different countries, demographics Read More »

July 15th, 2022|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

Mini-kidney models may help identify potential drugs for polycystic kidney disease

Scientists from USC Stem Cell’s McMahon Lab have generated simple kidney-like structures called organoids and are using them to identify potential drugs to treat adult-onset polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). By doing so, the researchers hope to accelerate Read More »

July 8th, 2022|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|

In memoriam: Neil Segil, PhD

Neil Segil, PhD, a professor of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at USC Stem Cell, died on Saturday, July 2.

Segil established an international reputation for his pioneering research on the development and regeneration of hearing through studies of the Read More »

July 7th, 2022|Announcements, Keck Net Intranet|