More than 40 participants from USC and the Keck School of Medicine of USC raised $2,400 for the two-mile walk4ALZ on Oct. 29 in Century City.
Participants included faculty, staff, graduate students and family members of the USC Alzheimer Disease Research Center (ADRC) and faculty and students from the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.
In total, the fundraising event generated nearly $400,000. All proceeds will benefit Alzheimer’s Greater Los Angeles, which provides free services to family members and caregivers of those living with Alzheimer’s disease in Greater Los Angeles and the Inland Empire.

A group of faculty, staff and students from the Keck School of Medicine of USC joined their family members and others for the walk4ALZ, held Oct. 29 in Century City. (Photo/Alzheimer Disease Research Center)

More than 40 people from USC participated in the 25th Annual Greater Los Angeles walk held Oct. 29 in Century City. (Photo/Alzheimer’s Greater Los Angeles)