For the eighth year in a row, Keck Medicine of USC is sponsoring the American Heart Association’s Greater Los Angeles Heart and Stroke Walk. To contribute to the fundraising effort, employees throughout the organization are registering to walk and gathering donations from friends, colleagues and family members.

The money accrued from these donations will fund critical research for novel prevention methods, treatments and possibly cures for every type of cardiac condition and emergency. The Heart Walk also honors survivors of stroke, heart attack and cardiac arrest as well as those living with heart failure, irregular heartbeat, heart valve problems or congenital heart defects.

Participants will have the option of walking at the Rose Bowl or at a separate location of their choice. The standard walk is a 5K, but survivors, walkers with children, or people who cannot walk five kilometers for any other reason will have the option of a one-mile route.

The Heart Walk is a day of community and celebration planned with fun in mind. There are new perks and helpful tools every year, including social media links for easier fundraising, activities for walkers leading up to the day and an app filled with healthy lifestyle tips, playlists, gear and more.

Employees who wish to participate are welcome to join one of several registered Keck Medicine teams, form their own team or register as an individual. There is no cost to sign up, and no minimum — or maximum — fundraising requirement.

To learn more about the event and to register, click here.