Halloween celebrations for kids of all ages took place on the Health Sciences Campus last week, both for spooky fun and to raise awareness for health research initiatives.

CARVING OUT PUBLICITY Movember, an official global charity, raises awareness and funds to make an everlasting impact on men’s health, particularly in prostate and testicular cancer initiatives. This includes grant money awarded to the USC Catherine and Joseph Aresty Department of Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC to conduct critical research to end prostate and testicular cancer. The Movember team from Keck Medicine of USC needs you to help raise funds during November by growing a mo’ (moustache) or supporting those who can. To learn more, visit moteam.co/men-of-keck-medicine.
(Photo/Tom DeSanto)

THIS TOUR IS ALWAYS A TREAT As part of their annual Halloween Harvest Parade, children from the USC Child Care Center visited Keck Medicine of USC faculty and staff at the fountain outside of Keck Hospital of USC and at the lobby of the USC Norris Cancer Hospital, collecting sweets and smiles before stopping at Pappas Quad to show off their costumes. Pictured here, Adelaide Doty (left) and Prisha Patel go trick-or-treating on the Health Sciences Campus on Oct. 31.
(Photo/Jon Nalick)