The Institute for Genetic Medicine recently hosted “Memories of the Way We Were,” a public forum on mental health issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Discussion topics at the June 22 forum included Alzheimer’s and dementia research and treatment, music therapy for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, caregiver support, the effects of cross-generational interaction (seniors and preschool children), and new technological therapy options. “The concept of the program was to provide a ‘one-stop’ resource for attendees who have recently become caregivers or who are considering the impact of these conditions for a loved one,” said Lynn Crandall, director of the IGM Art Gallery.
From left, Doug Nelson, co-founder and chief technology officer of MultiSensory Systems, and Robert Horsting, of the Robert Horsting Design Group in Glendale, demonstrate an interactive multisensory system that integrates three-dimensional sound, aroma, full body vibration and optional visual imagery, to help maintain psychological well-being and minimize stress.