Keck School of Medicine of USC ophthalmology fellows Anne Elizabeth Barañano, MD (left), and Jennifer Hu, MD (right), chat with Keck School Dean Carmen A. Pulifito, MD, MBA, at a party at the dean’s home. The June 26 event celebrated the graduation of the school’s retina fellows. Read More »

July 26th, 2013|Announcements|

In Memoriam: Kathleen Ann Burke, 66

Kathleen Ann Burke, a longtime research scientist at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, died June 30. She was 66.

Kathleen Ann Burke Kathleen Ann Burke

Born in in Newark, New Jersey, Burke graduated from Douglas College and received her Master of Science from Penn State. After graduate work at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, she moved to Los Angeles, where she worked at USC for more than 20 years until her retirement in 2011.

As a scientist, she specialized in researching gene therapy, and managed two large labs. Her last project focused on developing a new therapy for AIDS patients. Read More »

July 26th, 2013|Announcements|


The Institute for Genetic Medicine recently hosted “Memories of the Way We Were,” a public forum on mental health issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Discussion topics at the June 22 forum included Alzheimer’s and dementia research and treatment, music therapy for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, caregiver support, the effects of cross-generational interaction (seniors and preschool children), and new technological therapy options. Read More »

July 26th, 2013|Announcements|

Keck Medical Center to host blood management symposium

By Josh Grossberg

The Keck Medical Center of USC will host the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM).

The theme for the annual meeting, which runs from Sept. 19-21 at the Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel, is “Patient Blood Management —From Bench to Bedside.” The event gives health care professionals from all over the world the opportunity to learn some of the latest trends and techniques in how hospitals can use less blood during medical procedures —or even none at all. Read More »

July 26th, 2013|Announcements|

Researchers to study tobacco addiction in African-Americans

By Josh Grossberg

Researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of USC have been awarded a five-year, $1.8 million grant to study the links between genetics, tobacco addiction and withdrawal in African-Americans.

Adam Leventhal, assistant professor of preventive medicine and psychology and director of the USC Health, Emotion and Addiction Laboratory, will be the principal investigator of the study, which is being funded by the American Cancer Society.

“(African-Americans) have a lower rate of smoking,” Leventhal said. “And they smoke fewer cigarettes a day than whites, but they have a higher risk of cancer, which makes it critical to study the causes of nicotine addiction in African-Americans.” Read More »

July 26th, 2013|Announcements|