The USC School of Pharmacy marked its 109th Commencement on the afternoon of May 13 at the Harry and Celesta Pappas Quad on the Health Sciences Campus before an audience of more than 2,000 family, friends, faculty and staff.
Interim Dean Glen L. Stimmel presided over the event, awarding degrees to 177 Doctors of Pharmacy, 18 Doctors of Philosophy, two Doctors of Regulatory Science and 78 Masters of Science. Additionally, 35 pharmacists were recognized for completing residency training along with eight individuals who received certificates marking the conclusion of their fellowship programs.
The featured commencement speaker was USC Distinguished Professor Dana Goldman, director of the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, who described the 15-year difference in life expectancy between the top 1 percent and bottom 1 percent of income earners in the United States, and challenged graduates to find ways to help alleviate inequalities in health care.
“The most disadvantaged people will come through your doors. When they do, show them compassion,” Goldman told graduates. “And understand that the diploma you are about to receive gives you the power to address one of society’s greatest disadvantages.”
— Michele Keller

Eno-Abasi Inyang is hooded during the USC School of Pharmacy’s 109th Commencement, held May 13 at the Health Sciences Campus. (Photo/David Sprague)