Art is supporting science thanks to DreamWorks Animation. Once per month for the next year, DreamWorks artists are donating original works for auction on eBay in support of Call to Cure, an organization supporting colorectal cancer research at USC.

This multimedia piece by visual development artist Nate Wragg is the subject of the December Call to Cure auction on eBay.
Auctions will be promoted through the Call to Cure website ( and through Twitter and Facebook. All proceeds of each auction will be given directly to the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The first auction took place in November; this month’s auction launched on Dec. 9, and will close on Dec.16 at 6 p.m.
Nate Wragg, visual development artist at DreamWorks Animation, was invited to create an original piece for the December auction based on the theme, “What Makes You Happy.” Wragg gathered his inspiration from a child’s imagination. “A child’s imagination is something that has always inspired me,” he said. “I love the way a child’s imagination can take any situation, any place and transform it into an amazing experience.”
Call to Cure founder and DreamWorks executive producer Nancy Bernstein and Call to Cure organizers hope this effort will reach beyond current supporters to animation and art fans around the world.
To view the December auction, visit