On May 6, Media Bistro reported that David Agus, professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, has been named a contributor to CBS News.
A May 5 article in the Imperial Valley News cited research led by Michael Cousineau, associate professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, which developed a model that may help sustainable health care delivery and primary care resident training. Health Canal also covered the research.
A May 5 story in the Los Angeles Daily News quoted Sean Nordt, assistant professor of clinical emergency medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, about the misuse of nitrous oxide. “Recreational use has been around almost as long: There were ‘laughing gas parties’ at the turn of the last century,” said Nordt.
A May 3 article in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News mentioned that Danny Hillis, professor of research medicine at the Keck School of Medicine and co-founder of Applied Minds, was a presenter at TEDMED 2013.
A May 3 article in Family Practice News quoted Ilene Claudius, visiting assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine, about developmental issues and teen sport injuries. “Most stress injuries occur in runners, jumpers, and dancers,” said Claudius. “But they can be seen in those who play other sports. The risk is highest in two periods during a young athlete’s career—just as they delve enthusiastically into their sport and when they reach an elite level, during which time physical efforts grow even more demanding.”
On May 3, The Wall Street Journal reported that Pat Levitt, provost professor of neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology and pharmacy at the Keck School of Medicine and USC School of Pharmacy, will serve as inaugural director of the Developmental Neurogenetics program of the newly created Institute for the Developing Mind at The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
A May 3 column in Family Practice News featured an interview with Maureen McCollough, associate professor of clinical emergency medicine and pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine, about newborn resuscitation.
A May 1 story in Health Canal covered research led by Yue Liao, a doctoral student in the Department of Preventive Medicine and the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research at the Keck School of Medicine, which surveyed children about their sedentary behavior through a mobile phone.
A May 1 article in Nature highlighted research from Cheng-Ming Chuong, professor of pathology at the Keck School of Medicine, and colleagues, which found that precursors of pigment-producing cells are positioned in a ring around the base of feather follicles in birds.
New Scientist also covered the research.
The May 2013 issue of What Doctors Know featured a Q & A with pulmonary and critical care physician Kamyar Afshar,assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, about cystic fibrosis.
On April 30, The Huffington Post posted a video featuring Mark Humayun, Cornelius Pings Professor of Biomedical Sciences and professor of ophthalmology, biomedical engineering, cell and neurobiology at the Keck School of Medicine and USC Viterbi School, about innovations for the blind and the Argus II, a prosthetic eye that helps blind people see.
An April 30 report on Everyday Health quoted Ismael Nuno, assistant professor of clinical cardiothoracic surgery at the Keck School of Medicine, about new research that found teenage girls exposed to secondhand smoke have lower levels of “good” HDL cholesterol than boys. “HDL is a building block for hormones,” said Nuno. “Lowering the levels could affect their estrogen levels, which could have other effects.”
An April 29 story in The Machanicsville Local mentioned that Anne Peters, professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, has helped a number of elite athletes with diabetes, such as professional race car driver Ryan Reed and Olympic gold medalist swimmer Gary Hall.
An April 29 article on KPCC-FM’s “On Central” quoted Andy Gausepohl, a fourth-year medical student at the Keck School of Medicine, about primary care doctor shortage and compensation. The article mentions that medical school costs are a potential reason for primary care doctor shortage. “I have friends who have hit half-a-million dollars in student loans just from undergrad and medical school,” said Gausepohl.
On April 28, Physicians News Network reported that Alan S. Wayne will be appointed professor of pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine, associate director for pediatric oncology at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and director of the Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disease at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
The March/April 2013 issue of Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging (OSLI) Retina featured an interview by Carmen A. Puliafito, dean of the Keck School of Medicine.