Keck School of Medicine honorees Kayla Dewey and Caitlin Carroll display their awards after the May 16 ceremony.
The Keck School of Medicine Senior Awards Ceremony was held on May 16 on campus. Awards were granted to outstanding Doctor of Medicine candidates on the basis of excellence in academic achievement, research and service.
Year III Faculty Awards
Kim Bader, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
Parul Bhatia, M.D., Pediatrics
Jeffrey Canceko, M.D., Internal Medicine
Jennifer Israel, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
Joerg Zehetner, M.D., Surgery
Year IV Faculty Awards
John Go, M.D., Radiology
Nancy Klipfel, M.D., Pathology
Etan Milgrom, M.D., Family Medicine and Pediatrics
Outstanding Teaching as a House Officer
Nathan Blue, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kim Grant, M.D., Surgery
Sara Kreimer, M.D., Pediatrics
Dave Rosen, M.D., Surgery
Outstanding Required Clerkship
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Outstanding Selective/Elective Course
Diagnostic Radiology
Medical School Honors
Graduation “with Highest Distinction”
Given for consistent excellence in the basic and clinical sciences — The Keck School of Medicine’s equivalent of “summa cum laude”:
James William Behan
Noah Archer Brauner
Brian Perry Cervenka
Ryan Thomas Church
Jacob Nicholas Hall
Jonathan Dean Kramer
Andrea A. Lu
Rachel Lauren Schwartz
Anastasiya Shabalova
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Seth Michael Urban
Dean’s Recognition for Junior/Senior Continuum
To acknowledge overall excellent academic performance in the third and fourth years:
Chad Michael Agy
Meagan Elizabeth Barrett
James William Behan
Noah Archer Brauner
Brian Perry Cervenka
Sylvia Santhilakshmi Charles
Ryan Thomas Church
Amy Lauren Cummings
Michael Patrick Directo
Sarah Renée Goldsberry
Jacob Nicholas Hall
Jonathan Dean Kramer
Andrea A. Lu
Donald Michael Moe
Jeremy Matthew Montez
Billy Xiaoyi Pan
Nicholas Andrew Pokrajac
Mollie Ann Rashid
Rachel Lauren Schwartz
Anastasiya Shabalova
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Virginia Ann Smith-Bronstein
Daniel Viet Tran
Seth Michael Urban
Jay Zhu
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Election to AOA national honor medical society is limited to 15% of the class, and is based upon academic performance and leadership during all four years of medical school:
Chad Michael Agy
Meagan Elizabeth Barrett
James William Behan
Noah Archer Brauner
Brian Perry Cervenka
Ryan Thomas Church
Amy Lauren Cummings
Michael Patrick Directo
Sarah Renée Goldsberry
Jacob Nicholas Hall
Jonathan Dean Kramer
Carrie Jiaxin Li
Andrea A. Lu
Laura Devall May
Jeremy Matthew Montez
Billy Xiaoyi Pan
Nicholas Andrew Pokrajac
Mollie Ann Rashid
Steven Michael Salisbury II
Rachel Lauren Schwartz
Anastasiya Shabalova
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Virginia Ann Smith-Bronstein
Daniel Viet Tran
Prem B. Tripathi
Seth Michael Urban
Jay Zhu
American College of Physicians Student Internist Award
Presented by Soma Wali, M.D., Governor, American College of Physicians Southern California Region 1 – To honor an outstanding graduate who has matched in Internal Medicine, achieved Honors in the Internal Medicine & Internal Medicine Sub-Internship clerkships, and met other criteria of excellence:
Michael Patrick Directo
American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation Fund Clinical Award
To the top senior medical student based on performance during the core clerkships:
Sarah Renée Goldsberry
Clifford Charles Sheckter
American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation Fund Outstanding Student Award
To the top senior medical student based on performance in the four years of medical school:
Clifford Charles Sheckter
American Medical Women’s Association Janet M. Glasgow Achievement Certificate
Given to women who graduate in the top 10% of the class, based on the four-year academic record:
Sylvia Santhilakshmi Charles
Sarah Renée Goldsberry
Andrea A. Lu
Rachel Lauren Schwartz
Anastasiya Shabalova
Virginia Ann Smith-Bronstein
Dr. David A. Berman Pharmacology Achievement Award
Presented by Dr. Berman, Emeritus Professor, Department of Cell and Neurobiology – Given to the senior medical student who received the highest score in the discipline of Pharmacology:
Jacob Nicholas Hall
Eric Cohen, M.D., Introduction to Clinical Medicine Award
Presented by Mr. Larry Cohen, brother of Eric Cohen – To recognize the one student who best exemplifies the goals and objectives of the ICM program:
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Tom R. DeMeester, M.D., Excellence in Surgery Award
Given to recognize a senior medical student who has shown exceptional ability and performance in the field of surgical medicine and will be entering general surgery or a sub-specialty of surgery, and who has attained distinction or provided exceptional service to the Department of Surgery, thus bringing honor to the individual, the Department and the University.
Jay Zhu
The Mark S. Ehrenreich Prize in Medical Ethics
Awarded for the best paper on a topic in Health Policy and Ethics:
Eric Daniel Wirtschafter, “Revisiting the Hippocratic Oath: Our Responsibility to Society”
Endocrine Society Student Award
To a senior medical student with an outstanding academic record and demonstrated interest in Endocrinology:
Rachel Lauren Schwartz
Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award
To a senior medical student who has shown exceptional ability and performance in the field of emergency medicine and plans specialization in this area:
Kayla Jeanne Dewey
Sagar Gupta, M.D., Memorial Scholarship Award
To the most outstanding senior medical student entering a surgery residency at LAC+USC Medical Center:
Jeremy Matthew Montez
The Howard P. House, M.D., Excellence in Otolaryngology Award
Awarded to the most outstanding senior medical student entering a residency in otolaryngology:
Brianna Noelani Harris
Merck Manual Award
In recognition of outstanding senior medical students who have excelled in the basic science years:
Sarah Renée Goldsberry
Jacob Nicholas Hall
Jeremy Matthew Montez
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Virginia Ann Smith-Bronstein
Medical Student Prize for Excellence in Neurology
Presented by the American Academy of Neurology – To recognize a senior medical student who has shown exceptional ability and performance in the field of neurology:
Lucas Ramirez
Jeanette Wilkins, M.D., Memorial Award
To honor outstanding women from the graduating class who are entering the specialty of pediatrics, infectious diseases, or orthopaedic surgery:
Whitney Leatherwood
Cindy Luu
Laura Alana Sonoda
Dean’s Research Scholars
Designed to provide the Keck School of Medicine of USC medical students an opportunity to conduct a full year of biomedical research and to educate them in the complexities of biomedical research and the application of such research in a clinical setting.
Scott Christopher Carney
David Albeer Ibrahim
Whitney Leatherwood
Billy Xiaoyi Pan
Kent Takao Yamaguchi
Carmen Puliafito, M.D., M.B.A., Dean’s Research Scholars Award
To recognize the top senior medical student who has conducted the most outstanding research as a Dean’s Research Scholar:
David Albeer Ibrahim
American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation Fund Research Award
To the top senior medical student who has authored or co-authored a research paper or presentation during medical school:
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Irving I. Lasky, M.D., Memorial Award
Chosen by the Research Committee to recognize the top senior medical student who has conducted the most outstanding research during medical school:
Rachel Lauren Schwartz
Order of Areté: Student Recognition Awards
Represents the highest honor accorded by the University of Southern California to graduate students upon completion of their academic programs. Students are recognized for outstanding service and leadership:
James William Behan
Caitlin Frances Carroll
Brian Perry Cervenka
Michael Patrick Directo
Andrew Joseph Gausepohl
Billy Xiaoyi Pan
Clifford Charles Sheckter
Joshua Christopher Tompkins
Skull and Dagger – All University Honor Society
For academic excellence and exceptional service:
Caitlin Frances Carroll
Andrew Joseph Gausepohl
Associated Students of the School of Medicine (ASSM) Scholarship Award
To the senior medical student who has made an outstanding contribution to the Keck School of Medicine, the student body, and the community at large:
Caitlin Frances Carroll
Community Achievement Award
Chosen by Committee to honor a senior medical student who has had an impact on the general population, the medical community as a whole, and has been an example of the effect that medical students can have on patient care:
Veronica Ramirez
Frederick Napier Elliott Award
To the senior medical student who best exemplifies the qualities of Dr. Frederick N. Elliott: “a thorough understanding of the art and the science of medicine; a blend of compassion, insight, honesty and appreciation for the technology of medicine; the ability to draw from patients and colleagues alike their finer attributes”:
Brian Perry Cervenka
Dr. George Herron Memorial Award
To the senior medical student who has given the most to the Class throughout the four years of medical school, as determined by Senior Class vote:
Caitlin Frances Carroll
Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award presented by The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
To acknowledge the one senior medical student who, by Senior Class vote, is felt by their peers to consistently demonstrate compassion and empathy:
Lavanya Wusirika
Peter J. Katsufrakis, M.D., Leadership Award
To honor an outstanding graduate who exhibited leadership, and community and school service:
Andrew Joseph Gausepohl
United States Officer Commissioning
Administering the oath of office: Captain Christopher Gausepohl, Chief of Weapons and Tactics, 17th Reconnaissance Squadron, Creech Air Force Base, Nevada
Promotion to the Rank of Captain:
Andrew James Amack
Andrew Joseph Gausepohl
Joel Atticus Hyduke
Maurice Ibrahim Khayat
Eli Hahn Lessard
Donald Michael Moe